Required Notices

Use of Pesticides

We do not use any pesticides in or around the building. If we ever do, we will give written notification prior to any application to all parents and staff members of the pesticides to be used, its potential side effects, and where and when the pesticide(s) will be applied.


All asbestos have been abated and contained as outlined by the AHERA plan. A written Asbestos Management Plan is available that documents inspection and surveillance activities, known and presumed asbestos containing materials in the building, records of asbestos-related building material disturbances and response activities, and post-response documentation. The Asbestos Management Plan is located in the main office and is available for review by parents, legal guardians, teachers and other school personnel, representatives of EPA, representatives of the State, and the public.

Privacy Act

All parents and guardians of students under 18 have the right pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 to examine the official records, files and data of the school district which pertain to their student. Procedures for examination and hearings to challenge anything in the record may be made available upon request.

Title I

If your student is receiving Title One services, you have the right to know if these services are being offered by teachers who are not considered highly qualified. Currently, all Title One Staff is certified and highly qualified.

Child Find Notice

This notice is provided in compliance with State and Federal regulations for conducting Child Find activities in order to identify students who may be in need of an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services.

Parents/guardians of children ages 3-22 who feel their child is in need of an evaluation for determination of eligibility of special education services, can contact the office of Bay City Academy 301 North Farragut Street, Bay City, MI 48708

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Information

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Information Guide

Student Sexual Harassment Policy